Mariann Angola Rojas

Researchmariann Student


BSc Medical Neuroscience (Hons) 1st class, University of Sussex (2012)

MSc Clinical Neuroscience, Distinction, UCL (2013)


I completed my MSc research project at the Institute of Neurology, under the supervision of Dr. Jennifer Pocock. My project focused on the expression of TREM-2, a glycoprotein receptor implicated in the development of late-onset Alzheimer’s disease, in microglial cells.

In October 2015, I joined the London Interdisciplinary Doctoral Programme (LiDO), where I spent my initial four months working in a rotation project at the MRC Centre for Neurodevelopmental Biology, King’s College London. Here, I investigated the mechanisms controlling neural proliferation in the CNS by using microRNAs as a short-cut for Drosophila genome exploration.

My PhD research is a multi-disciplinary project focused on the development of novel muscle stimulation technology to improve functional recovery in spinal cord injury patients. It involves a close collaboration between the Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering department at Eastman Dental Institute (UCL) and the Implanted Devices Group in the Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering department (UCL).


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