Label-free mapping of microstructural organisation in self-aligning cellular collagen hydrogels using image correlation spectroscopy
Label-free mapping of microstructural organisation in self-aligning cellular collagen hydrogels using image correlation spectroscopy
K. Sanen, R. Paesen, S. Luyck, J.B. Phillips, I. Lambrichts, W. Martens & M. Ameloot (2015) Label-free mapping of microstructural organisation in self-aligning cellular collagen hydrogels using image correlation spectroscopy. Acts Biomaterialia doi: 10.1016/j.actbio.2015.10.047
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Hashemian, C. O’Rourke, J.B. Phillips, I. Strömberg & S. Af Bjerkén (2015) Embryonic and mature astrocytes exert different effects on neuronal growth in rat ventral mesencephalic slice cultures. Springerplus doi: 10.1186/s40064-015-1362-3
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