James Phillips

Christopher Barnett

Research Student



Christopher completed his Master in Pharmacy (MPharm) degree at Keele University, United Kingdom (U.K.).  Graduating top of his class – and with 1st Class Honours – he was awarded the Pharmaceutical Press Prize for Scholarship.  His undergraduate project involved investigating the use of amphiphilic graft polymer formulations for propofol solubilisation.  As an undergraduate, he also achieved his first lead-author, peer-reviewed publications from extra-curricular laboratory work carried out under the supervision of Dr. Clare Hoskins.

Christopher then successfully registered as a pharmacist in 2014, following a clinical pre-registration training year at Morriston Hospital, Swansea, U.K.

In September of 2014, he joined the PhD programme at the Centre for Doctoral Training in Advanced Therapeutics and Nanomedicines, UCL School of Pharmacy, U.K.  His initial 3-month training projects were based at the Departments of Pharmaceutical and Biological Chemistry, UCL School of Pharmacy, U.K., and Drug Product Design, Pfizer, Sandwich, U.K., respectively.  Christopher’s PhD research will span several UCL departments he will begin by investigating the effect of photochemical internalisation on cells of the nervous system utilising advanced 3-D cell culture models.


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