
Latest news from the group

New nerve biomechanical anatomy paper

Added 21 October, 2011

The paper "An ultrastructural and biochemical analysis of collagen in rat peripheral nerves: the relationship between fibril diameter and mechanical properties" by Sarah Mason and James Phillips has been published this week in the Journal of the Peripheral Nervous System. This research revealed that median nerves at the elbow joint showed a pattern of smaller diameter collagen fibrils than were present in the nerves at non-joint regions. This finding corresponds with our earlier work that showed the joint regions of these nerves are biomechanically more compliant than non joint regions. Understanding nerve biomechanics is important for the development of repair and rehabilitation strategies following nerve damage.

Glial Cells in Health and Disease, Prague 2011

Added 19 September, 2011

Staff from the OU attended the 2011 European Glial Cells in Health and Disease meeting in Prague in September. Dr Jane Loughlin organised and co-chaired a symposium entitled "3D neural cell culture – using tissue-like microenvironments to model normal and pathological neural/glial cell behaviours" which attracted widespread interest from delegates and involved presentations from researchers in Europe and the USA. James Phillips was invited to present a talk "Monitoring glial cell behaviour and neuron-glial interactions in 3D hydrogel and aggregate culture systems” which showcased some of the innovative culture models that have been developed at the OU for neuroscience research. PhD student Melanie Georgiou presented a poster in the Regeneration and Repair session entitled “Aligned Schwann cells within 3D tissue-like gels provide guidance to regenerating neurites” as part of her project using tissue engineering technology to repair the nervous system.  

Feature in Research Highlights brochure

Added 5 September, 2011

Our recent spinal cord injury research project has been selected for inclusion in the University's latest 'Research Highlights' brochure. Research Highlights is where the Open University showcases a carefuly selected sample of research from its portfolio. To find out more about research at the Open University visit

Tissue and Cell Engineering Society, Leeds 2011

Added 11 August, 2011

Group members attended the TCES annual meeting in Leeds in July and presented work on peripheral nerve repair and electrophysiological recording from 3D neuronal cultures. Mel gave a talk on aligned cellular and acellular collagen guidance substrates for peripheral nerve repair and we presented a poster describing how dorsal root ganglion neurons maintained in a 3D culture model exhibit similar electrophysiological properties to fresh explants.

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