
Latest news from the group

2011 Peripheral Nerve Society Conference

Added 17 July, 2011

Members of the group attended the biennial meeting of the Peripheral Nerve Society which was held in Potomac, Maryland. We presented work on peripheral nerve repair, peripheral nerve biomechanics, and a culture model for studying peripheral nerve cells. Abstracts are available via Open Research Online and through the links on the Publications page.

PhD Success

Added 25 March, 2011

Congratulations to Stanley Kimani who successfully passed his PhD viva examination on 25th March. Stan's PhD thesis title is "Exploiting tumour metabolism to augment the cytotoxicity of photodynamic therapy and to develop novel photosensitizers" and his interdisciplinary project used cell culture systems and synthetic chemistry to explore potential methods for improving cancer therapy.

RSC Lecture

Added 12 January, 2011

Melanie Georgiou delivered a talk "Engineering functional tissues for regenerative medicine: development of a cellular implant for nerve repair" at the Royal Society of Chemistry Prize and Award Lecture event at the OU on 12th January [view the programme]

3D Cell culture Book Chapter

Added 1 November, 2010

3D Cell Culture Cover ImageMicro-Structured Materials and Mechanical Cues in 3D Collagen Gels (James Phillips & Robert Brown) Chapter 12 in the new Methods in Molecular Biology book "3D Cell Culture" Edited by John Haycock.

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