Characterising cellular and molecular features of human peripheral nerve degeneration

Characterising cellular and molecular features of human peripheral nerve degeneration

Wilcox, M.B., Laranjeira, S.G., Eriksson, T.M., Jessen, K.R., Mirsky, R., Quick, T.J. and Phillips, J.B. (2020). Characterising cellular and molecular features of human peripheral nerve degeneration. Acta Neuropathologica Communications, 8:51

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Combining in silico and in vitro models to inform cell seeding strategies in tissue engineering

Coy R, Al-Badri G, Kayal C, O’Rourke C, Kingham PJ, Phillips JB & Shipley RJ. (2020). Combining in silico and in vitro models to inform cell seeding strategies in tissue engineering. J. R. Soc. Interface. 17. 20190801

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Cordwainers Prize Awarded for Best MBPhD Thesis

Congratulations to Richard Bartlett for being awarded the prestigious Cordwainers Prize for his PhD thesis Tissue engineering and regenerative medicine to repair the spinal cord. The prize is awarded for the best PhD thesis presented by an MBPhD student each year.

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Editorial: Peripheral Nerve Regeneration

Gambarotta, G., Raimondo, S., Udina, E., Phillips, J.B., Haastert-Talini, K. (2019). Editorial: Peripheral Nerve Regeneration. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, 13 doi:10.3389/fncel.2019.00464 

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Improved cell-purification techniques and safety monitoring needed for olfactory ensheathing cell transplantation

Bartlett, R., Phillips, J., Choi, D. (2019). Improved cell-purification techniques and safety monitoring needed for olfactory ensheathing cell transplantation. Canadian Medical Association Journal, doi:10.1503/cmaj.73255 

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Mechanical response of neural cells to physiologically relevant stiffness gradients

Kayal, C., Moeendarbary, E., Shipley, R., Phillips, J. (2019). Mechanical response of neural cells to physiologically relevant stiffness gradients. Advanced Healthcare Materials, doi:10.1002/adhm.201901036

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Neural cell responses to wear debris from metal-on-metal total disc replacements

Lee, H., Phillips, J.B., Hall, R.M., Tipper, J.L. (2019). Neural cell responses to wear debris from metal-on-metal total disc replacements. European Spine Journal, doi:10.1007/s00586-019-06177-w 

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Quantifying regeneration in patients following peripheral nerve injury

Rayner MLD, Brown HL, Wilcox M, Phillips JB & Quick TJ (2019). Quantifying regeneration in patients following peripheral nerve injury. JPRAS

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Generation of c-MycER-TAM-transduced human late-adherent olfactory mucosa cells for potential regenerative applications

Santiago-Toledo G, Georgiou M, dos Reis J, Roberton VH, Valinhas A, Wood RC, Phillips JB, Mason C, Li D, Li Y, Sinden JD, Choi D, Jat PS & Wall IB (2019). Generation of c-MycERTAM-transduced human late-adherent olfactory mucosa cells for potential regenerative applications. Scientific Reports 9, 13190

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The Effects of Surgical Antiseptics and Time Delays on RNA Isolated From Human and Rodent Peripheral Nerves

Wilcox M, Quick TJ & Phillips JB (2019) The Effects of Surgical Antiseptics and Time Delays on RNA Isolated From Human and Rodent Peripheral Nerves. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience 13, 189

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