Engineered neural tissue with Schwann cell differentiated human dental pulp stem cells: potential for peripheral nerve repair?

Engineered neural tissue with Schwann cell differentiated human dental pulp stem cells: potential for peripheral nerve repair?

K. Sanen, W. Martens, M. Georgiou, M. Ameloot, I. Lambrichts & J.B. Phillips (2017) Engineered neural tissue with Schwann cell differentiated human dental pulp stem cells: potential for peripheral nerve repair? Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine doi: 10.1002/term.2249

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An integrated theoretical-experimental approach to accelerate translational tissue engineering

R.H. Coy, O.R. Evans, J.B. Phillips & R.J. Shipley (2016). An integrated theoretical-experimental approach to accelerate translational tissue engineering. Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine doi: 10.1002/term.2346

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Presentation prize

PhD Student Melissa Rayner was awarded 1st Prize for her talk “Using advanced 3D engineered cell cultures to analyse the effect of drugs on peripheral nerve regeneration in vitro” at the UCL Eastman Dental Institute Research Away Day on 3rd November 2016.        

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Biomechanical properties of the spinal cord: implications for tissue engineering and clinical translation.

R.D. Bartlett, D. Choi & J.B. Phillips (2016). Biomechanical properties of the spinal cord: implications for tissue engineering and clinical translation. Regenerative Medicine, (doi:10.2217/rme-2016-0065)

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Using Stem Cells to Grow Artificial Tissue for Peripheral Nerve Repair

K.S. Bhangra, F. Busuttil, J.B. Phillips & A.A. Rahim (2016). Using Stem Cells to Grow Artificial Tissue for Peripheral Nerve Repair. Stem Cells International, ID 7502178

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UCL Special Grand Round lectures: now online

James Phillips joined UCL peripheral nerve surgeon Mr Tom Quick and a nerve injured patient to present a UCL Special Grand Round session in October 2015. This combination of interactive lectures and discussion entitled “Peripheral Nerve Regeneration: The science, surgery and experience of regenerative neuroscience” was open to the public and is now available to view […]

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Label-free mapping of microstructural organisation in self-aligning cellular collagen hydrogels using image correlation spectroscopy

K. Sanen, R. Paesen, S. Luyck, J.B. Phillips, I. Lambrichts, W. Martens & M. Ameloot (2015) Label-free mapping of microstructural organisation in self-aligning cellular collagen hydrogels using image correlation spectroscopy. Acts Biomaterialia doi: 10.1016/j.actbio.2015.10.047

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Embryonic and mature astrocytes exert different effects on neuronal growth in rat ventral mesencephalic slice cultures

Hashemian, C. O’Rourke, J.B. Phillips, I. Strömberg & S. Af Bjerkén (2015) Embryonic and mature astrocytes exert different effects on neuronal growth in rat ventral mesencephalic slice cultures. Springerplus doi: 10.1186/s40064-015-1362-3

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Optimising contraction and alignment of cellular collagen hydrogels to achieve reliable and consistent engineered anisotropic tissue.

O’Rourke, Caitriona; Drake, Rosemary A. L.; Cameron, Grant W. W.; Loughlin, A. Jane and Phillips, James B. (2015). Optimising contraction and alignment of cellular collagen hydrogels to achieve reliable and consistent engineered anisotropic tissue. Journal of Biomaterials Applications (Early view).

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3R’s Prize for Replacement, Reduction and Refinement of animal use in science

MSc Clinical Neuroscience student Charlotte Lee-Reeves was awarded the prize for the most innovative research that supported the 3Rs – Replacement, Reduction and Refinement of animal use in science, at the 16th annual Queen Square Symposium. The event saw over 60 PhD and MSc students from the UCL Institute of Neurology exhibiting posters based on […]

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